Christian Living

This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him– Matthew 17:5

On the Mount of Transfiguration, the voice of God was heard saying, not only that he was pleased with his Son, but also that his Son should be heard. God the Father makes it clear that the Son speaks with authority and that we are to believe him. 

Some raise the question in our day, “Can truth be known?” or “Is there an ultimate authority?” God reveals that his Son Jesus speaks with authority and that we should heed what he has to say.

Moses spoke of a Prophet that would be raised up by God and “unto him ye shall hearken” (Deuteronomy 18:15). The prophecy was fulfilled by the coming of Jesus Christ. His authority was confirmed by the Father, not only at his transfiguration, but also at his baptism. Jesus was given “power over all flesh” by his Father. He is indeed one of ultimate authority. 

We should hear the witness he gave of himself. He declared, “I came down from heaven,” and “I and My Father are one.” If these statements are not true then Jesus could not even be considered a good man for making such a claim; but since we are bidden by the Father to hear him, we know what he said is true.

Let us hear him when he tells us who he is. He is the God-man, the Christ, the only Savior of sinners. Let us hear him as he invites us near, “Come unto me.” And let us hear him as he commands that we take up our cross and follow him.